

For clients that wish to develop a new product/service (such as a software application or API ecosystem) or a new business, our consulting and accelerator services can be delivered in return for a combination of:

If we take a minority equity or profit/revenue share in a project, our consulting focus is:

For our clients, a new initiative may be delivered through a ring-fenced product/service division, or through a client-controlled standalone project company.

Project-Equity Services Approach

Our consultants bring together prior experience in commercialisation and new product development, together with a practical understanding of pathways to unlocking the potential of data and technology.

Example: Not-for-profit (NFP) Data Liberation 

We worked with an Australian-based not-for-profit which had access to valuable data and technology in the banking industry. A commercialisation of data and technology was succesfully achieved, with multi-year returns.